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Reader | Udala College
Principal's Message

"Duty is God-Work is Workship"

Dr. Jatin Kumar Mohakud

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News & Events

  •  Quotation call notice for supply of ACs with Stabilizers |   SPECIFICATIONS: 1. SPLIT AC – 1.5 TON 3 STAR 2. V-GUARD STABILIZER 90 -250 3. QUOTES MUST BE PLACED INCLUDING GST. | May 13, 2024 | Read more...

  •  Quotation call notice for Govt. Vocational College, Udala-Feb 2024 |  | February 23, 2024 | Read more...

  •  Regarding Walk-in Interview for Sweeper, auction of used items and submission of tender paper for electrical earthing and lightening arrester | Following is the schedule for auction of used items and submission of tender paper for electrical earthing and lightening arrester- Sl. No. Date Items 1 07/02/2024 Gen Set-01, Old Iron  | February 2, 2024 | Read more...

  •  Quotation call notice for Supply of Sports Items, Installation of Wi-Fi Internet, Canon Copier and Printing of College Magazine and Calendar |  | November 20, 2023 | Read more...

  •  Time table for +3 1st, 2nd &5th semester 2023-2024 |  | August 11, 2023 | Read more...

  •  Quotation Call Notice On 4th Aug’23 |  | August 11, 2023 | Read more...

  •  Notification for Walk-in Interview |  | July 29, 2023 | Read more...

  •  Quotation Call Notice On 28th July’23 |  | July 29, 2023 | Read more...

  •  WALK-IN-INTERVIEW |  | August 24, 2022 |

  •  Quotation call for College Automation System |  | August 2, 2022 | Read more...

About the College

The college had a modest beginning in July, 1965, with a very magnanimous donation from the then chief minister of Odisha, Sj Biju Pattnaik, in the local Boys High School, then in the town club and finally, in a modest dwelling set up by the management. On 12.06.1966, Sri Biju Pattnaik , the then Chief Minister of Orissa, laid the foundation of the present campus to which the college was shifted in 1969. The college is located in a…

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Our Mission & Vision

  1.  Open opportunity for quality higher education to rural youths in all spheres.
  2. Provide literacy (scientific, technical, professional, vocational and industrial education).
  3. Provide extension services in the area of health,
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