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Commerce | Udala College


Commerce is an education stream which offers the students a study of trade and business activities such as the exchange of goods and services from producer to the final consumer.

Commerce is a field for students who have an interest in financial information/transactions, trading of economic value, etc. Students often consider taking up Commerce after completing Class 12. Students who are looking forward to pursuing a career in Commerce have a wide range of choices before them.

Candidates can pursue the Commerce course at the undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG), diploma levels as well as at the doctoral level. UG level Commerce courses offered to aspirants include BCom which is of three years duration.

Among the Commerce courses, students can consider choosing specializations such as Accounting and Finance, Banking and Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Actuarial Science, Business Administration, Applied Economics, E-Commerce, Financial Accounting, Banking and Insurance, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Auditing, etc. 


: vision
: mission
: Sri Harish Chandra Panda
Sri Satyabrata Mallick
Sri Pratyush Kumar Patra
: Sri Harish Chandra Panda