Name of the College | : | Udala College,Udala |
Address of the College | : | At/PO-Udala,Dist: Mayurbhanj,PIN-757041(Odisha) |
Name of the Principal | : | Capt. Bikash Ranjan Barik |
University to which affiliated | : | North Orissa University,Sriram Chandra Vihar, Takhatpur, Baripada, Mayurbhanj |
Type of College | : | Affiliated (Govt. Aided) |
Financial category of the college | : | Grant-in-Aid |
Year of establishment | : | 1965 |
U. G. C. Recognition | : | Under 2(f): 1981 & Under 12(b): 1981 |
Campus Area | : | 15.44 Acres |
Built up Area | : | 25375.6 sft. (+3) & 6800 sft (+2) |
Location of college | : | Rural Area (Border place of Udala NAC) |
Programme offered | : | +3 Degree in Arts, Science and Commerce & +2 in Arts, Science and Commerce |
Area of Library | : | 2550 sft. |
Area of Reading Room | : | 300 sft. Inside the Library |
College working time | : | 9 am to 4. 30pm |
Total Built up Area | : | 25375.6 sft. (+3) & 6800 sft (+2) |
Staff in Position As on (30.11.2013) | : | Teaching: 35,Non-Teaching: 21 |
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