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Teaching Staffs | Udala College
Teaching Staffs
Sl. No. Photo Name of Staff Designation Qualification Department Date of Joining Mob No. Email Id
1 Smt. Kabita Manjari Dandpat Smt. Kabita Manjari Dandpat Reader Political Science
2 Miss Snigdha Agarwalla Miss Snigdha Agarwalla Lecturer M.Sc. M.Phil Physics 15/10/2016 8280539299
3 Dr. Jatin Ku. Mohakud Dr. Jatin Ku. Mohakud Lecturer English
4 Mrs. Rehana Sultana Mrs. Rehana Sultana Lecturer M.A. English 10/11/1995 9437207740 rehanasultana921@gmail.com
5 Sri Santosh Kumar Jena Sri Santosh Kumar Jena Lecturer M.A., M.Phil, NET JRF Odia 05/10/2016 9658728795 santoshkumarjena21@gmail.com
6 Sri Girish Chandra Puthal Sri Girish Chandra Puthal Lecturer(Gr-A) M.A. Political Science 01/07/1988 8327765291
7 Shri Kanwar Soren Shri Kanwar Soren Lecturer M.A. Political Science 10/10/2016 9438151797 kanwarsoren1990@gmail.com
8 Sri Dasaratha Chapayer Sri Dasaratha Chapayer Lecturer M.A., M.Phil Political Science 01/11/2016 7751955248
9 Shri Bhima Soren Shri Bhima Soren Lecturer M.A. Economics 05/10/2016 7735956226 15bsoren@gmail.com
10 Miss Bharati Naik Miss Bharati Naik Lecturer M.A. Economics 06/10/2016 7381682008 bharatinaik260@gmail.com