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Teaching Staffs | Udala College - Part 2
Teaching Staffs
Sl. No. Photo Name of Staff Designation Qualification Department Date of Joining Mob No. Email Id
1 Sri Maga Singh Sri Maga Singh Lecturer M.A., M.Phil Logic & Philosophy 06/10/2016 8328903471 singhmaga88@gmail.com
2 Shri Bholanath Sahoo Shri Bholanath Sahoo Lecturer(Gr-A) M.A., M.Ed Education 16/09/1993 9937151310
3 Dr. Santosh Kumar Panda Dr. Santosh Kumar Panda Lecturer M.A. Ph.D, B.Ed., D.C.Y.P Education 01/09/1993 9438059696 pandasantosh.edn@gmail.com
4 Shri Sudhakar Acharya Shri Sudhakar Acharya Lecturer M.A. Sanskrit 01/10/1993 9439343481 sudhakaracharya635@gmail.com
5 Sri Chaitanya Prasad Majhi Sri Chaitanya Prasad Majhi Lecturer M.A. Sanskrit 21/10/2016 7750092481 prsadmurmu2010@gmail.com
6 Mrs. Helina Das Mrs. Helina Das Lecturer M.A., M.Phil Sanskrit 14/08/2013 7327859918 helinadas717@gmail.com
7 Sri Saumendra Kumar Dash Sri Saumendra Kumar Dash Lecturer M.A., M.Phil Sociology 9438294327
8 Sri Alok Ranjan Pradhan Sri Alok Ranjan Pradhan Reader M.Sc, Ph.D Chemistry 25/09/1991 7504471969 alokudala@gmail.com
9 Pragnya Paramita Priyadarshini Pragnya Paramita Priyadarshini Lecturer M.Sc. M.Phil Chemistry 05/10/2016 9938737132 priyadarshini.chem@gmail.com
10 Sri Manaranjan Tudu Sri Manaranjan Tudu Lecturer Chemistry