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Teaching Staffs | Udala College - Part 3
Teaching Staffs
Sl. No. Photo Name of Staff Designation Qualification Department Date of Joining Mob No. Email Id
1 Sri Ramesh Ch. Sahoo Sri Ramesh Ch. Sahoo Reader M.Sc, Ph.D Botany 29/09/1988 9853129058
2 Mrs. Tapaswini Behera Mrs. Tapaswini Behera Lecturer M.Sc Mathematics 06/10/2016 8908409444 tapaswinib666@gmail.com
3 Sri Harish Chandra Panda Sri Harish Chandra Panda Lecturer M.Com, M.Phil Commerce 01/10/1993 9438397819 harishchandrapanda1966@gmail.com
4 Sri Jiten Tudu Sri Jiten Tudu Jr. Librarian BA.B.LI.Sc 27/08/1990 9937572716 tudujiten1965@gmail.com
5 Sri Ashok Kumar Pusti Sri Ashok Kumar Pusti Lecturer M.Phil, NET, GATE Chemistry 04/11/2019 7008091456 ashokkumarpusti@gmail.com
6 Sri Gajendra Hansdah Sri Gajendra Hansdah Lecturer M.Phil Physics 04/12/2019 7008254920 gajendra.hansdah@gmail.com
7 Sri Satyabrata Mallick Sri Satyabrata Mallick Lecturer M.Phil, NET Commerce 1/11/2019 9040421470 satyabratamallick98@gmail.com
8 Sri Pratyush Kumar Patra Sri Pratyush Kumar Patra Lecturer M.Com, NET Commerce 23/05/2022 9040317083 pk.patra1764@gmail.com
9 Sri Madhusudan Murmu Sri Madhusudan Murmu Lecturer M.Sc. NET, GATE Zoology 31/05/2022 8637280179 ms161614@gmail.com
10 Mrs. Sudha Sabitri Panda Mrs. Sudha Sabitri Panda Lecturer M.Sc,M.phil Botany 19/05/2022 7205536362 sudhasabitri123@gmail.com