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Teaching Staffs | Udala College - Part 4
Teaching Staffs
Sl. No. Photo Name of Staff Designation Qualification Department Date of Joining Mob No. Email Id
1 Sri Sudam Hembram Sri Sudam Hembram Lecturer M.Sc Physics 23/05/2022 7894370576 sudamhemdram5@gmail.com
2 Sri Mansing Murmu Sri Mansing Murmu Lecturer M.A. History 31/12/2020 7978622615 mansingmurmu1977@gmail.com
3 Mrs. Anita Dalei Mrs. Anita Dalei Lecturer M.A., M.Phil, NET JRF Odia 01/12/2020 8917480084 anitadalei1595@gmail.com
4 Dr. Minakshi Parida Dr. Minakshi Parida Lecturer M.Sc, Ph.D Mathematics 03/12/2019 9778357834 minu_math2005@yahoo.co.in
5 Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda Lecturer M.A. Ph.D English 03/12/2019 9437589894
6 Dr. Pravakar Sahu Dr. Pravakar Sahu Reader M.Sc, Ph.D Zoology 05/12/1992 8895697775 dr.pksahu69@rediffmail.com
7 Sri Iswar Chandra Murmu Sri Iswar Chandra Murmu Lecturer M.A., NET, B.Ed Economics 21/05/2022 6370839105 iswr.rapaj@gmail.com
8 Mrs. Sushri Sangita Pati Mrs. Sushri Sangita Pati Lecturer M.Sc.,M.Phil., NET Zoology 03/12/2019 7873877172 sushri.sangita013@gmail.com